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Duane Dieter established the Hero Community Program to encourage the development of positive opportunities and character for underprivileged and at-risk children through activities, guidance, and educational opportunities.

Mr. Dieter is also the founder and president of Dieter’s Close Quarters Defense (CQD), which provides the highest quality training services and personal development skills to security professionals and vetted citizens of our nation. Developed in 1981, the training provides students with the specialized skills necessary to respond appropriately to all situations and prepares individuals to succeed ethically and professionally. The system was developed with the purpose and dedication of defending and training those that are preyed upon by the criminal elements. We have an extensive history in providing training to thousands of individuals - men, women, and children from a diverse range of ages, backgrounds and physical abili­ties. The Hero Community Program has established numerous community programs to assist youth and victims of violence. These special events can develop family bonding and cohesiveness in the community. 

The system was first utilized operationally in 1988, when Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents recruited Mr. Dieter as a member of the newly-formed Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, wherein he was locally deputized by the Talbot County Sheriff’s Department and federally deputized by the DEA. Mr. Dieter’s involvement proved invaluable due to his tactical expertise, his close relationship with local law enforcement personnel, and his extensive knowledge of the area and the community.
Eventually, Mr. Dieter came to realize that law enforcement was only one element of the fight against drug trafficking and its effect on the community. As a result of directly seeing the devastating effects of narcotics on children and families though his Drug Task Force service, Mr. Dieter established the Hero Community Program. His primary objective in the creation of the youth club was to mentor vulnerable children and ensure that they would not fall prey to the peer pressure and drug use that was so prevalent in their communities. The children were exposed to positive role models who inspired them to become good citizens, foster self-respect and respect of others, and instilled in them a true feeling of self-worth. 

Once Mr. Dieter began training groups such as Naval Special Warfare (SEAL Teams), CIA, and the State Department, the same Hero concepts permeated throughout their groups. The essential elements of ethics, leadership, integrity and moral courage lessons were Integrated into their tactical training. As a result, during that period of time their attitude, cohesiveness, and dedication were at the highest levels. The training was also able to integrate the various teams and agencies together, on many occasions never having worked together, and was able to create a unified and cohesive team. Mr. Dieter also implemented this training for the spouses and family members in order to enhance their own ability to deal with the multitude of challenges they faced and dramatically increase family bonds.


Close Quarters Defense® and CQD® are registered trademarks of Dieter’s Close Quarters Defense®, Inc.

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